Website Premium Care Packages

Just like any software, your website requires updating to keep the site working properly and in tip top performance. Avoiding website maintenance is like never servicing your car. Sooner or later you are going to run into problems. Your website should always be live, ready for customers and presenting your business at its finest.

WordPress is a fantastic platform because it is so versatile. The nature of WordPress is such that it is now ubiquitous with over 1/3 of all websites using this platform. Thats a phenomenal number of websites worldwide. Because of this fact unscrupulous individuals strengthened by the knowledge that all WordPress websites use the same structure are always trying to exploit vulnerabilities in the code. The core code contributors of WordPress as well as plugin developers themselves are constantly updating their code to close vulnerabilities as well as improve the reliability and functionality of their code. For this reason it is necessary to regularly update your plugins and core WordPress files. You can do this yourself by clicking a few buttons in the back end of your website but problems sometimes occur when an up date of one plugin does not cooperate with another plugin (most WordPress websites have at least 15 different plugins installed to provide different functionality) and breaks your website. That is where our “Safe Update” procedure comes into play. 

Safe Update

1. A full backup of your website is done first. 

2. A screenshot of the website is then produced

3. All updates are performed.

4. A second screenshot is then produce and the two are compared. If there is a discrepancy the whole website is rolled back to its pre update state.

Offsite Backups

Backups are the cornerstone of good WordPress website management. If the unthinkable happens and an update fails, or your website crashes, it’s imperative to have an up-to-date backup of your website to be able to get yourself back up and running as quickly as possible.

We offer:

  • Daily scheduled backup
  • Secure Encrypted Off-site storage

Daily Security Scans

Security Scan

The worst thing about malware is that it could be on your website for months without you even noticing. You need to be vigilant, proactive, and check regularly for malware and known vulnerabilities. That’s where our Security Check comes in.  The Security Check makes it easy for you to make sure that all of your sites are clean, and if any files become infected you will be in a position to take action quickly. Every day a scan is performed that will provide you with valuable security information, as well as have an overview of all of the past security scans.

Daily Speed/Performance Scan

A daily Speed/Performance Check is performed. A slow website will hurt your business a lot. That’s why you need to benchmark your website performance regularly and react if something goes wrong. Google has announced that page speed will become a ranking factor for searches performed on mobile devices.

The Performance Check gives you insight into what is happening with your website and how it’s performing. It’s the first step to solving your problems, the Performance Check tells you what they are. It gives you a breakdown of the factors that are affecting your website. You can see each individual factor and its grade, as well as giving you recommendations on how to improve your website performance. You can also follow your website performance over time, marked on a timeline.

Weekly Care Report

A full report is generated and sent to you weekly so you can have confidence that your website is working optimally and you are getting the most value out of your website investment dollar.

Whether you take the maintenance package or not is entirely up to you. You could not worry about updating anything but in my experience sooner or later you will be adversely effected even by changes that take place outside your control. These things of course can be fixed up but the job is made a lot more difficult because you haven’t done any ongoing maintenance.


Interested to find out what we can do for you? Fill out our Project Enquiry Survey and we will get back to you with a custom solution tailored to fill your unique needs.
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If you want to purchase a block of time for us to work on your website, click on the "Purchase Service Time" button.
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If you want to book a video conference call using Google Meet, click the "Book a Meeting" button below.
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