How to Improve Your Website Ranking in Google

All of us want better rankings in Google, here are 13 items every page on your website must have that the experts don’t tell you…

  1. ONE focus. Whether it be a category of products (or service) you offer; a specific product or service or a helpful blog or update for your reader, you must have 1 focus per page. Each page should therefore focus on 1 keyword only
  2. Your keyword at the beginning of your title of your page – you can edit this in WordPress. So in this example this is “Pink cats with spots on them: Why they rule the world. This title should be 70 characters or less. as Google cuts this off when longer.
  3. Your keyword in your URL page name – for example if you are selling pink cats with spots on them and your website is called; you should name your page pink-cats- with- spots/
  4. Your keyword at  the beginning of the meta-description of your page – which is the bit where Google shows a description of your website page on its search results page. This should be less than 155 characters long as Google cuts off anything longer. This is generally the text that compels someone to click on your link versus your  competitors!
  5. A heading with your keyword in it as close to  the beginning of the heading as possible. So in this example your heading would be “Pink Cats  With Spots  –   why  we  love them”
  6. Your keywords in the first paragraph and as close the the beginning of the copy.
  7. At least one image on the page. Each image should have ‘Alt Text’ – which means ‘Alternative Text’ completed. This is the text that explains to Google what is on the image. This should also contain your keyword. So, for example – Pink Cat with Spots doing a handstand. If you can get a video in even better. Same rules apply.
  8. At least 300 words. Google likes pages with lots of words on them – studies show the optimum number is 1890 words!
  9. Engaging content – writing lots of words doesn’t have to be boring. Male sure you separate out key pieces of content with sub­ headings so people can scroll what they’re interested in. Insert ‘hooks’ within your copy to encourage your readers to keep reading, for example “You’ll be surprised at what we reveal in tip #10”; or I couldn’t believe what I’m about to reveal to  you when I first heard it myself “; or “Pink Cats with spots are truly amazing – you’ll never believe half the things they get up to that we reveal in this article”
  10. Simple short sentences. Google likes it when your copy is really crisp and clear. That’s how we consume content  these days.
  11. Links to other pages on your website with anchor text explaining what that page is about, not the name of the page. So for example, you might want to link to another page that’s focus is on pink cat with spot colour, Instead of posting the url –  use a hyperlink like you would do in Word with the text you want Google to recognise that page for as the link.
  12. Links to external sites that prove authority as relevant. For example click here to adopt a pink cat with spots today (where the link is to the RSPCA adoption site)
  13. A clear call to action (what to do next) – max 2 of these per page


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